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Will My Allergies Affect Life Insurance Eligibility?

"Allergies" is a term used to describe a condition that can apply to an enormous range of physical reactions that our bodies may have to certain substances or chemicals. It is possible for a person to be allergic to nothing at all, or almost anything at all. To date no one has shown any allergy to water, but aside from that, just about anything else can cause an allergic reaction in some people. From pollen to dust, bee stings - even sunlight causes an allergic reaction in some people! An allergic reaction is one in which your body has an adverse reaction to something that can range from mild - such as itching, sneezing, and a runny nose, to moderate - such as a rash, or even severe - such as anaphylactic shock, burning, or even cardiac arrest. Just as the symptoms of allergies can range from mild to severe, treatment of allergies can likewise run the gamut from simple to extreme. Some allergies require no treatment whatsoever and people just deal with the mild inconvenience of watery eyes, while others shop regularly for over-the-counter medications and antihistamines that block the effects of an allergic reaction. Other, more severe allergic reactions may require medical intervention immediately such as the use of an epi-pen, which is a quick, self-administered single-dose shot of epinephrine that will usually stop the effects of a severe allergic reaction such as to a bee-sting or, in some kids, a fatal response to being around a food like peanut butter.

Do Insurance Companies Charge More For People With Allergies?

Well, it depends on the allergy. As of now, most insurance companies aren't bothering to ask too many questions about allergies except in the case of common diseases such as asthma. You may be required to reveal on your application issues that you have been treated for in the past, and that would include doctor-prescribed epi-pens or emergency treatment for an allergic reaction to anything. These revelations, (which you should not cover up under any circumstances), could have the effect of raising your premiums somewhat, depending upon the allergy, how common your particular allergen is, and how severe your reaction is likely to be. If eating peanut butter, for example causes you to break out in a rash, you aren't likely to see a premium increase. If, however, the last time you walked past a peanut sitting on a park bench 100 feet away you fell into convulsions and needed emergency treatment - well let's just say your life insurance underwriters are going to pay special attention to that fact. Under most cases, your insurance company will be willing to offer you a policy no matter your allergy, the only question is whether or not you will want to pay the premium they are going to offer you. In any case, you will want to shop around and not settle for the first offer you are given.

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